Ультразвуковой очиститель GT Sonic 1,3 л
$315.00 as low as $283.50Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенУльтразвуковой очиститель DSI с корзиной из нержавеющей стали
$425.90 as low as $383.31Цена за единицу товара /Недоступен
The ideal solution for a dental ultrasonic cleaner depends on the specific task at hand. For routine cleaning and disinfection, a neutral or slightly alkaline enzymatic solution is often preferred.
Enzymes break down proteins, blood, and other organic matter that can cling to instruments, while the slightly alkaline nature helps combat mineral deposits and hard water residue.
However, for heavily soiled instruments or those requiring a higher level of disinfection, a more powerful solution with specific disinfectants might be necessary. Consulting the manufacturer's recommendations and choosing a solution suited to the type of instruments and debris being targeted ensures optimal cleaning efficacy and instrument longevity.
Yes, you can use these devices to clean most tools. However, it’s important to check the manufacturer’s instructions to determine which materials can be cleaned in the machine. It’s also a good idea to check the tool’s specifications to determine whether it is compatible with ultrasonic cleaning.
You should also take note of the cleaning duration and the frequency settings. We recommend conducting a test on a small, inconspicuous area before cleaning the entire instrument.
There are a number of reasons why you should choose an ultrasonic cleaner over traditional cleaning methods. Here are some of the benefits you can expect:
- Efficiency. An ultrasonic cleaner can help to ensure a deeper clean more quickly.
- There’s less risk of damage. Dental tools are expensive, and with manual cleaning methods, these instruments can be damaged. However, when you invest in a quality equipment cleaner, you can prolong the lifespan of your tools.
- More effective cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaners use rigorous methods to clean dental tools, leaving them free of bacteria, viruses, and more.
- Eco-friendly. Because these devices use ultrasonic cleaning, less water and chemicals are used in the cleaning process, which has a positive impact on the environment.
We have dental equipment cleaners that help remove rust, corrosion, heat scale, and hard mineral deposits. However, if you intend to use a cleaner for this purpose, make sure that you are choosing one that is specifically designated for removing these impurities.
The instruments are placed in the cleaner and covered with a cleaning solution. When the device is turned on, high-frequency sound waves are generated using ultrasonic transducers, which cause pressure changes in the solution.
Bubbles are then formed that burst violently to produce tiny shock waves and heat, which have a scrubbing action, removing the contaminants. Moreover, the chemicals in the cleaning solution react with the rust, heat scale, or mineral deposits to remove them from the surface of the tool.